Course Code: BSB50120

Diploma of Business


BSB50120 Diploma of Business

Hi – Thanks for visiting! Develop the skills and confidence you need to manage a business. In this course the focus is on managing business operations and systems, managing people and improving your ability to implement and monitor processes.

Our self-paced study mode means that you can progress at a pace that is comfortable for you without the stress of assessment due dates and rigid class timetables.

  • Nationally Recognised? Yes
  • Who can enrol? Students in all States and Territories of Australia
  • Trainer Support? Unlimited

All training, assessment and student services for this course are offered by Adapt Education (RTO# 32452). We do not act as a broker and no aspect of your enrolment will be outsourced to another organisation.

Download Diploma of Business course outline

call 1300 380 335 if you have any questions about this course.

What Does Learning at Adapt Education Look Like?

  • Experience a whole new level of elearning! The student portal is smooth and easy to use. Webinars and video tutorials are used to break topics down into small, manageable chunks.
  • Progress at your own pace. No assessment due dates and no rigid class timetables = No Stress.
    With more video based resources, the course has less reading and is more visually engaging.
  • Unlimited Trainer support – online, phone and email. We guarantee prompt support when you need it!

Funding Available

This course can be completed as part of a Business Manager Traineeship. This may attract incentives and wage subsidies. View the funding and costs tab for more information and eligibility criteria. 


In most instances you will have up to 2 years to complete the Diploma of Business qualification. Being self-paced study you can enrol at any time and progress at any speed you like without the stress of due dates and rigid class time tables. Study duration depends on the hours you put in and your skill level. As a guide, someone dedicating 10 hours per week to study, could expect to complete the assessment component of the course in 6 – 8 months. Prior to commencement you will complete a Training Needs Analysis to determine a suitable time frame for you.

Work-based or Simulated

Work based: Ideally you will undertake this qualification with the support of your employer and already be working in a role that involves coordinating others. This will enable course projects to be completed in a real workplace environment.
Simulated: If you do not have access to a real workplace, completion of the course is possible however you will need access to a group of people (at least 3) for role play assessments to demonstrate your skills in a simulated environment. Adapt provides a suite of policies and procedures for a sample company that you can use throughout the course.


Course Structure

BSB50120 Diploma of Business

Core units:

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBOPS501 Manage business resources
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

Elective units:

BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
BSBOPS504 Manage business risk
BSBHRM525 Manage recruitment and onboarding
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
SIRXMKT006 Develop a social media strategy

* The list above represents our standard course units. Alternate Elective units may be offered following the completion of a Training Needs Analysis.

Learning and Assessment

We reduce the assessment workload in this course through the use of integrated assessments. Each course module consists of two key components:

          1. Learning: webinars, tutorial videos, readings and activities
          2. Assessment: quizzes, written questions, case studies, projects, and role plays

Entry Requirements

  • You will have access to a computer and the internet to complete the assessment requirements of the course. Please discuss with Adapt if this is an issue as strategies can be put in place to assist.
  • You will have well developed Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills. Students who do not meet the minimum LLN requirements for this course will be provided a range of options and strategies to assist.
  • For information regarding Adapt Education’s policies and procedures please refer to our student handbook

There are no set in-take dates, so you can enrol online at any time. Alternatively call 1300 380 335 to enrol over the phone. To find out more about our enrolment process go to the How to Enrol page on this site.


Funding and Costs

Diploma of Business Online Course Fees

          • Fees quoted below are per student for the self-paced online study mode
          • Please contact us for a quote for classroom based study, corporate or school groups.
          • Enrolments cannot be accepted from international students or those in Australia on a student or education visa.
          • Fees quoted include:  course fees, administration fees and compulsory course materials such as text books, workbooks and handouts. Prices quoted do not include: face-to-face classes or tutoring, site visits, internet costs, stationary and other consumables such as printing paper, etc.
          • Additional fees may apply if you are completing the first aid unit as part of your course. Refer to the relevant course outline for further details.

Diploma of Business



Standard Course Fee



Dual Diploma of Business & Diploma of Leadership and Management *



Payment plans are offered at no additional cost! That’s right, you DO NOT pay more if you opt for a payment plan. No Interest, account, or administration fees. You nominate the payment periods (i.e. weekly, fortnightly or monthly). You nominate the amount you are comfortable paying (i.e. $50, $100, $200, etc.). Payment plans are processed with a direct debit system.

Upfront Payments can be made by credit card, bank transfer, cheque, money order or cash. 

Funding Information


This qualification can be completed as part of a Business Manager Traineeship. 

          • Traineeships combine paid work with structured training.
          • You may be a full-time or part-time employee, a new or existing employee.
          • Traineeships require employers to enter into a training contract with the apprentice or trainee, which is a legally binding agreement to work and train together for a length of time.
          • The standard course fee will apply. The employer may choose to pay the course fee on the participant’s behalf. 
          • Employers and Trainees may be eligible for incentives and wage subsidies (see Government funding page for more info) or contact an Apprenticeship Network Provider (such as MAS or MEGT) to confirm your eligibility.


*Dual Diploma of Business & Diploma of Leadership and Management

Gain two Diploma qualifications by completing our dual Diploma course. To achieve BSB50120 Diploma of Business two additional units required:

  • BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace (C)
    Choose one of the following:
  • SIRXMKT006 Develop a social media strategy (E)
  • BSBHRM525 Manage recruitment and onboarding (E)



BSB50120 Diploma of Business – For Yr 11 – 12 students

This course can be delivered Fee For Service with no work placement requirements.

Completion of the course will:

          • Contribute up to 8 Credit Points towards a QCE.
          • Ensure a minimum ATAR rank of 82 (or 87 if applying for a course with QUT or Griffith).
          • Create meaningful pathways into employment in business, administration, business services and other industries. 
          • Create a pathway to higher level qualifications.

Note: ATAR information is generic only. Please refer to QTAC for information on a student’s specific circumstances. Refer to university policies regarding acceptance of VET qualifications and rankings as they can differ.

Diploma of Business Online Course Structure

School students undertaking this program will complete:

          1. BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
          2. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
          3. BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
          4. BSBOPS501 Manage business resources
          5. BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
          6. BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans
          7. SIRXMKT006 Develop a social media strategy
          8. BSBHRM525 Manage recruitment and onboarding
          9. BSBMKG541 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
          10. BSBXTW401 Lead and facilitate a team
          11. BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
          12. BSBCMM412 Lead difficult conversations

A copy of the course outline can be found here following this link: Diploma of Business course outline – VET in Schools

Delivery Options

RTO DeliveryAll training and assessment is conducted by Adapt with no administrative or teaching burdens placed on school staff.  An Adapt Education trainer attends the school campus to provide training and assessment. The volume of sessions is negotiated on a case-by case basis. Minimum group numbers apply for this mode. 

Adapt Education provide unlimited online, phone and email support to students.

Partnered Delivery: Schools wanting to deliver the qualification to a large cohort may seek a partnering arrangement. This involves the school delivering Adapt’s quality program and utilising our world class elearning system with an approved “in-house” teacher.  Prices starting from $640 per student. 

Shared Delivery: Sometimes a combination of the above two modes will suit. For example, Adapt Education may deliver key sessions and be responsible for all assessment marking to reduce the burden on school staff however an approved “in-house” teacher may be responsible for day-to-day delivery and support.

Diploma of Business Online Course Fees

Diploma of Business


RTO Delivery

Contact us for a Quote

Partnered Delivery

From $590 per student

Shared Delivery

From $990 per student

Minimum student numbers apply. Contact us for a customised quote for your preferred mode.


Other Qualifications offered to School Based Students include:



We Love Our Students and They Love Us!

Thank you to Adapt Education for helping me complete my Certificate III in Business. They were truly wonderful to deal with and always very helpful when needed. The course content is easy to navigate and understand. I would also like to thank my wonderful teacher who helped and encouraged me throughout. I will be recommending Adapt Education to everyone as I believe it is one of the best course providers in Australia.  You guys are amazing!

Caitlyn K, North Queensland

Michelle's Testimonial


My experience with Adapt Education has been nothing but positive. I’ve completed my Certificate III in Business and it’s been smooth sailing all the way! Whenever I needed help they were proactive and quick to respond. Couldn’t have asked for a better experience!

Thank you again!

Samantha P, Brisbane

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